Cassadaga Healing Center

Psychic medium Spiritualist Healing

Cassadaga Florida Psychic - Medium - Healing Center & Native American Chapter

Psychic Services In-Person or by Phone are offerings of $35 for 15 minutes, $60 per half hour, and $100 per hour in Cassadaga Florida

For more information or an appointment call (407) 417-1679

Weddings with Reverend Peter KenNell

Weddings are one of my favorite ceremonies to perform.  Please feel free to call about having a wedding in Cassadaga or anywhere in Central Florida.  I am open to any arrangements you may request.  I am verse in many religious ceremonies, and universal energies.  This is your wedding let's do it your way.  Special wedding packages are also available upon request.  Have a great life filled with love and happiness. Reverend, Peter KenNell...

Wedding DocumentsCouple Kissingocean wedding